Thursday 29 November 2012

The truth about the One Barnet programme

The Friends of Mike Freer are aware that many local residents have concerns regarding the One Barnet programme. These concerns are largely based on the rather inaccurate media coverage and the concerted publicity campaign, run by the local Trades Unions. This campaign is based on the premise that nothing can ever change in local government and the only thing that matters is keeping safe the jobs of union members. 

In reality, the One Barnet programme has seen the council look at all the services the council provide, to see if they can be improved and be as cost effective as possible. They have been examined to see if there are better ways of running them. I am sure you will agree that this is a good thing in the current finical crisis we face.  

A good example is how the council are now sharing legal services with Harrow council (A Labour run authority). The council also have wonderful community and charity led community coaches who are making some great differences in our communities.  Some critics have tried to portray Barnet Council as ideologically driven, but the council has brought waste services back in house, as this proved to be the most cost effective solution.  

Of course some services will be more cost effective to outsource. The service providers will provide huge investment to our services, money the council doesn't have, whilst improving the services and keeping council tax down. Isn't this what sensible Councils are meant to do?


Mel said...

This has all been initiated by people who are not residents or "employees" of Barnet Council.
It is run by Consultants and contract staff, starting with the CEO and going through all levels.
Consultants who have never worked on the ground floor are telling the experts what to do and have now made the decision on One Barnet.
Low cost, high performance - this was used to describe the revenue & benefits department before the consultants tore it apart. Now Capita are to "improve" it & increase revenues - by moving it to Yorkshire & employing low cost unskilled staff - good luck with that! and Good Luck to the residents of Barnet who are being sold up the river to line the consultants pockets!

Mrs Angry said...

Mrs T, you are a dunderhead. Sorry to be so frank, but really. Do sit down and have a cup of tea, and think it through. The campaign is being fought by residents and some staff members: most staff members are residents too. Union members are ordinary people - the majority hard working women with families to support. Do you really expect them not to worry about not being able to pay their rent, or mortgage, or look after their children's needs?

This reckless plan is not going to achieve anything except deliver worse services and lots of profit for Capita.

The most sensible solution would have been to see how we could achieve efficiencies in house. Take procurement, for example: we are handing this over to Capita who say they can run it better. My 17 year old daughter could run it better than the numpties who have been managing it over the last few years and wasted millions of tax payers money through non compliant contracts. Those same numpties are now pushing for outsourcing, without allowing an inhouse comparator: how very odd.

The only reason waste is being brought back in house at the last minute is because so many of Mike's Tory councillor chums are so worried about privatisation.

Barnet is not a sensible council: it is a lunatic Tory administration that causes endless embarrassment for Eric Pickles, the PM and the national Conservative party.

Roll on 2014, when we can wave you a fond farewell, and restore some sanity to this unfortunate borough.